Friday, February 27, 2015

Visit #163 ~ Immersed in the Psalms and Priestly Correction

I was immeresed in the Psalms, like this child was immersed in waves

Wednesday's Pre-Sanctified Liturgy was so beautiful!I walked in a little late and took my place among the Faithful. I soon realized that, in order to fully participate, I'd have to go back and get a service book because the whole congregation was singing the Psalms.  It took me a while to figure it out....At first I sang every note. I soon heard that we were singing antiphonally.  First the choir would sing a portion and the rest of us would answer back.  I felt myself immersed in the Psalms and, because it was God's Word, I found it to be completely healing.

My favorite part was the "Let my Prayer Arise" Hymn that was sung. It was done by a trio of clergy, Fr Gary, Fr. Sergious and someone else that I didn't know.  It was beautiful.  Here is what it sounded like. Listen below. This is from some other  parish but it sounded the same as ours.

At the end of the Liturgy, right after the homily, Fr. Gary announced that, instead of kissing the Cross, he'd be handing us the blessed bread. I don't remember the name of it. Can anyone tell me? Anyway, I joined the line, cupping my hands like everyone else, awaiting to recieve the bread. I noticed that everyone kissed Fr. Gary's hand as soon as they recieved it.  Well, when it was my turn, the first thing that Fr. Gary did was to rearrange my hands so that my right hand was on top and not my left hand.  Oh, the curse of being left-handed! He did this gently, not wanting to embarrass me but still wanting me to get it right.  I was so flustered I walked away, forgetting to kiss his hand! As I made my rounds to venerate the Icons, I chuckled to myself. I am so glad that God finds many ways to make sure I stay humble.  

After all, it is the meek who will inherit the earth!

Blessed Lent, everyone. 


  1. I'm right-handed and I always have my right hand on top of my left, but no priest has ever corrected me in all these years!
    This first week of Lent I've been too ill to go to church until this morning when I was able to go to a Presanctified Liturgy and it was, as you say, like a healing balm.

    1. maybe the cupping of the hand is a small 't' tradition and varies from parish to parish? I don't know.

      I am looking forward to my Pre-sanctified Liturgy!

  2. Hmmm, I put my left hand on top.
    I love the Presanctified so much. I have never heard them done antiphonally, that sounds lovely

  3. Hmmm, I put my left hand on top.
    I love the Presanctified so much. I have never heard them done antiphonally, that sounds lovely
