Tuesday, May 14, 2013

101 visits; Not Dalmatians!

The Dalmation Family
not exactly 101
photo by Brian Timmermeister, used under the creative commons license.
check out more photos at:  http://www.flickr.com/photos/28004076@N04/
It was great to go to Vespers the Saturday after Pascha! Although, I love the solemnity of Great Lent, nothing tops the joy of the resurrection. Fr. Gary, I must admit, looked a bit tired but I understand that Great Lent is hard on a priest, not to mention the services of bright week.  But he was full of joy. After the service, I spoke to Tiffany and Ben and asked, with a chuckle, "So, do you feel newly illumined?" Yes, came Tiffany's reply and look at Ben, he's like a blushing bride!!  That made me laugh.

I got to Vespers five minutes late because it was the eve of Mother's day and I wanted to go to the store so that I would have my wife's mother's day gifts all set up for when she came home from working all night. You can see the gifts here.  But, even though I was late, I was able to get right into the spirit of things. The Psalms have a way of putting me in the right place. It didn't always used to be that way but Orthodoxy has taught me to acquire some different tastes. I am glad of it; It will get me ready for heaven where stuff like this happens all the time! ☺ 

One thing I really like about worship is it's orderliness  This is done for God so we want things to be right, even in the little things. For example, Fr Gary only had one server with him last night so when the time came for him to process during the great entrance, the server went before with the candle and Fr Gary had his incense. So who is going to close the door of the iconostasis? Well, it was arranged that Tom would do that. He quietly went to the door before it opened and shut it after Fr Gary passed through. A small thing, I know and it would have been no great tragedy had it just remained opened during the short procession yet since all of this is done for the Lord, why not do our best? And that is exactly what "right worship" in Orthodoxy is all about!