Sunday, November 24, 2013

122nd Vespers ~ back after too long of a Time!

my Parish
It's been over two weeks since I've been to Vespers and it was great to get back! I enjoy the reverence and care that people give to worship. I especially liked to watch Reader John do some "maintenance" in the Nave as the Service is going on. It is Reader John's practice to watch the candles as they burn up front and, usually towards the end of Vespers, he will quietly walk to the candle stand and extinguish  those candles which are almost already burned down. I guess this saves a mess. Well, last night, some stray leaves blew into the Nave and Reader John picked up the leaves, placed them in his hand and walked out the back to throw them out.  He does this, no doubt, because this place is consecrated to the Lord for worship and should be in tip-top shape,especially when Worship is going on.  Such humble service, I am sure, does not go unrecognized by the Lord. The Psalmist says, I would rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God Than dwell in the tents of wickedness. I bet that goes for janitor as well.  In any event, in a beautiful place of Worship, where beautiful hymns are chanted in reverence....that is the place I want to be! By God's Grace, I'll be back again soon!


  1. Everything okay, Jim? You've been pretty quiet of late. Bill

  2. Hey, Bill ~ thanks for asking....My new job with its crazy hours makes getting to Vespers more difficult. Basically, I only post when I attend a service and I haven't been in a while. Things should change some for the better come January.

    Thanks for checking up on me!

    Have a blessed Nativity Fast

  3. Hi, Jim. I see your parish is doing several services of the Nativity. Hope your schedule permits.... In any event, Merry Christmas!
    Christ is Born!
    Glorify Him!

  4. Hi, Bill....I am, God willing, going to attend the New Year's eve service. I am feeling sick right now (caught a cold from my kids) so if I am well enough, I hope to go to Vespers tonight, although I do have to work tomorrow....

    Christ is Born!
    Glorify Him!
