Sunday, October 13, 2013

Learning the Power of Sacred Scriptures on my 118th Encounter

angry chris
It's hard to stay angry, if you want to be obedient to the Scriptures
photo by Dave Appleby, used under the creative commons license.
check out more photos at:
The thing about arguments is a person who is in the argument always thinks they are right. Otherwise, there would be no argument. Right?  So, with out going into too much detail, my son and I had a heated disagreement, in which he was very offended by what I said. Well, I was right so I didn't care.

Enter Sacred Scripture:  While sitting listening to the Old Testament readings being chanted at Vespers last night,  I heard a passage from Deuteronomy:

 Therefore, circumcise your heart and stop being stubborn.

Now, I have been accused by my family members in the past of being stubborn and they may be right so when I heard the command in Deuteronomy, it did get my attention. So, the first chance I got, when I got home from Vespers, I went into my son's room and apologized.  He seemed grateful to hear it.  I guess when Fr. Gary says, "Let us be attentive" right before the readings, he does so for a good reason!

I have a question: There was someone else with Fr. Gary, leading in most of the prayers. I think he was a Deacon but I was not sure. Are Deacons ever allowed to go through the Royal Doors or is that only for Priests? I saw this man the last time I was here and I couldn't figure out if he was a Priest or not. He did incense the Icons during part of the service. Is that only for Priests to do? Last night, at the beginning of Vespers, he said to something to the effect of "Arise and worship" and in doing so, he called Fr. Gary Master instead of Father.  I meant to ask Tammi about it last night we got to talking about other things and I forgot.

Speaking of Tammi, she was all excited to tell me about an interview on Ancient Faith Radio of Rick Warren, the Southern Baptist Mega church Pastor. It was a great interview and I was impressed by his humility and willingness to reach out to all Christians! You can listen here if you like

Thanks for reading!

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

A.D.D. Worship on my 117th Visit

Dog running towards camera
Felt as distracted as a Dog chasing a squirrel
photo by Simon Andrews
used under the creative commons license.
check out more photos at:

I am a person who really likes routine so when that is disrupted it makes me hard to concentrate on the important things in Worship. Yes, I went to Vespers Saturday - and, as always, I am glad I did- but it was really hard to concentrate because last week was my first week learning a new job at the TSA. As grateful as I am for that job, I still wish I had a steady routine going because I feel scatter-brained and that makes it hard to Worship. It has even affected my daily prayer rule.

I know; it doesn't matter how I feel, I just need to remain faithful. But whenever I Worship in a distracted manner, I feel like I am cheating God out of the attention He deserves.  I guess that doesn't matter and I should, (in what I hear is favorite priestly advice,) Do the best I can.

I took some ownership of one of the prayers during Vespers in which Fr. Gary instructs us to "bend our necks." The prayer continues with us declaring that we will look to no one else for help, except the Lord God.  I guess that is a good thing to do, considering how the Lord has never let me down before.

Keep me in your prayers, friends, as I struggle through my new job; pray that I will remember Christ and His Church throughout all of it!

Oh by the way, for those who don't know A.D.D is short for Attention Deficit Disorder....