It was dark so you can't the dent too clearly but the accident totaled the car. Anyone know where I can get a good deal on a used car?
Thank God I am okay.
I was driving very safely on my way to pick up my son from work and someone coming from the opposite direction made a left hand turn right in front of me. We crashed. Her air bag deployed; mine did not. Thankfully, I was just a bit shaken up, feeling a little sore but otherwise okay. She, however , was taken out on a stretcher. I just heard from Allstate today and they are going to total the car which means I have to go find another one now. But, all in all, I am grateful to be in one piece, even if my car isn’t. I don’t know how the other driver is doing; I hope and pray well. Even though it was clearly her fault, I hold no animosity towards her. It was, after all, an accident not “an on purpose.”
Now about Vespers last Saturday- I walked in a saw an icon of a saint in the middle of the church. He had a beard and had a book below him. I honestly had no idea who we were honoring on that day until the Hymnography started. I have to tell you I had chills go up and down my spine as the choir chanted about “The Word” becoming flesh (It is one of my favorite mysteries!) and I knew I was hearing about one of my favorite saints, John the Theologian, as I have now learned to call him. (In the west, he is simply the Apostle John). His Gospel is my favorite.
The church has started something new by making a service book for Vespers which has most of the hymns, psalms and prayers written down for people to follow along. I go back and forth as to whether I should continue to use it or not. I did last time (for the first time) but I know myself. Whenever there is something written in front of me I tend to read it or read ahead and, thus I am not paying attention to the service. Perhaps I should come early to the service, read the entire thing though to become familiar with it and then put it back in the narthex for other’s to use. I believe I will be able to pay attention more if I am not distracted by the book. After all, when Father Gary says, “Let us attend,” I take that very seriously.
I kissed an icon or at least came close. I was so moved by St John’s hymnography; I leaned down and kissed, although I think I missed! – just came an inch before the Icon but I am getting closer!
Deacon Ken wasn’t there but I hope to see him next time.