Father Gary gave a homily on the life of St. Philip. That particular saint I invoke every day (at least on the days I pray in the morning) because he is one of the patrons of “The fellowship of St. John the Divine” whose prayer book I use. (The other patron is St. John). I really hadn’t known much about Philip, other than what I had read in the Gospels. But Father Gary called upon Church Tradition and I learned several things about him that I had not known before. You see how much information and encouragement the Protestants miss but rejecting Tradition? St. Philip, pray for me!
At the end of the service, I grabbed Bill, the altar server, who is also in the Civil Air Patrol and gave him all of my BDU uniforms. I won’t need them anymore because, not only am I retired but that uniform is being phased out in favor of the ABU. You can see a picture above of me in a BDU uniform so you can know what they (and I) look like. I told Bill he has to take off all the name tapes, rank ect and he said, no problem. He was especially happy that he got a liner for his jacket. He must have had some cold days without it!
I rushed out of there in order to meet my wife and pick up the kids. Before I did, Deacon Ken said, “Well done good and faithful servant, in reference to my retirement. (He gave the same greeting on facebook). I do wish I didn’t have to rush out all the time. It will be hard to make friends, if I don’t spend time talking.